Donnerstag, 15. März 2012

Lucid Dreaming

I have spread my dreams beneath your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
- William Butler Yeats 

A dream is a wish your heart makes. 

We are once in a blue moon fully aware of our dreams. We wake up and we know we had a dream, but we don't know what it was about - what a crazy story our brain tried to tell us. Those kind of dream bothers us, they annoy a lot but sometimes I'm happy they exist because some dreams I don't want to remember but I do.
In the morning I startle because I think it was real and in my dream it felt so good, I enjoyed it. The two of us did the stupiest and funniest things and we were happy but in real life we're not. It's not just like that and this kills me inside! Those dreams are ferocities, I'm too aware of them!
Since a few weeks everything gets better with everyday, palpably. Maybe this is the source of my lucid dreams which keep coming back every night bothering my composure... I know I've never been over this fucking situation, I've never been over this fight, which lasted for nearly a year now but I handled it very well and got used to it. But now I know I want the old times coming back. And I want him back, the old him...

Friendship isn't a big thing - it's a million little things.
-Author Unknown

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